Digital Tourist Guide

September, 2018


During high-school I was part of a team that developed an interactive chatbot through which tourists were able to explore, get tips and answers, play various games or just simply learn about the history of places. We named the chatbot Karel Klostermann, which was a famous czech writer from the local area. This was the first time I was exposed to machine learning and natural language processing which was a great experience that definitely formed my path to pursue a BSc. in Data Science.

In addition to the technical part, it was also the first time I was part of a team developing a product which came with many other responsibilities, such as applying for funding, dealing with existing partners or presenting the project to new potential clients. We managed to reach thousands of users which eventually led to winning a regional round of a start-up competition: T-mobile rozjezdy.

Here is a short article about the project (in czech): Legendary Karel Klostermann resurrects in a new application for the visitors of Sumava!

Chatbot group photo